
New updates and improvements to Vepaar

🛠 WhatsApp Web Utilities

New Feature
CleanShot 2022-02-05 at 19.04.09@2x

We have added some utilities to improve your experience on WhatsApp Web.

Currently, there are 4 utilities:


1. Hide Chat List Data

This option will gray out all the chats details. It will hide the messages and profile pictures of users. This is helpful when you need to share a screenshot or share a screen with someone.


2. Small Chat List

Enabling this will reduce the size of the chat list by hiding users' names and recent messages. The chat list on the left pane will only show photos so you'll get more space to read and write messages.


3. Hide Vepaar Top Bar

This will hide the Top Bar which contains the contact filters.


4. Hide Vepaar Bottom Bar

This will hide the Bottom Bar with quick replies and poll buttons.


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